Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome Back!

The title refers more to me, than to any of you. I'm not sure if any of you "left". My guess is that after two years of posting nothing new you simply stopped checking back. After I joined the ranks of Facebook, I spent less time blogging here. The simplicity of uploading pictures once to Facebook was appealing, so I quit doing that here.

Regardless of my excuses, I am trying to make this blog a habit. I have often stated that I wish I had kept a daily or weekly journal when I had nothing but wee little youngsters. Those days were filled with so many blessings but were definitely a struggle. Days tended to run into weeks and into years and I don't remember so many of the details that I wish I had logged. Even though it is 10 years too late, I hope to keep track of some of the daily things we learn, God's blessings all along the way, and some of the craziness that is our daily life. So I say, "welcome back"!

1 comment:

Annette M. Heidmann said...

So glad to see you blogging, Amy! I just found your blog after your recent link on Facebook and I love seeing and reading about your "dirty dozen"! :-) I have used my blog the same way, as a cyber-scrap-book for these very interesting and full days, weeks and years. It is a great archive of memories!