Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The morning sounds at our house.

As I sit here wondering what to write to all of you, (I like to imagine that my audience is VERY large) I am listening to the morning noises that are pretty typical for us. There is the clicky-clack of one of our two dryers, most likely from someone's overall buckles. One of our daughters is singing in the bathroom, the dog is barking in the garage, a timer is going off in the kitchen letting us all know that breakfast is but moments away. The fan and the shower are going in one of the bathrooms, our neighbor is outside moving some snow from his driveway and of course, the clicky-clack of the typewriter as I work. Above all of that noise, my 3rd daughter (Sabrina) can be heard talking to her sister. That tiny little girl has a HUGE voice. From the moment she learned to talk, she has been conversing with everyone that gets close to her, and some that aren't so close. She is tiny, but I pray that the Lord would use her mighty voice to accomplish great things.

On another note, my high school is having an all-school reunion in honor of its 30 years in existence. This has caused me to wonder what everyone has been up to since graduation. It has now been 17 years for me and I still keep in touch with some of the people I graduated with. Memories of high school came flooding back and as I shared some with my children, all they could do was laugh in horror/amazement. I even dug out my yearbooks to really reminisce about the "good ol' days". The general consensus among the children was "Mom, you look weird." Oh well. It was the nineties. I think we all looked weird. I have been pondering returning to Bismarck for this reunion. It would be enlightening to see everyone again and I am sure great fun would be had by all. If there are any old classmates out there in cyber-space, let me know if you plan on going.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

A few pics of the boys.

Little Adam is now four months old! His brother, Nicholas, wanted to take this picture with a very oversized cowboy hat on him. I think the hat fits his cheeks, though. Don't you? He looks a bit like a squirrel storing nuts in his cheeks. As his mother, I can say that they are incredibly kissable. If you live far away and haven't had the privilege of kissing his cheeks, you are truly missing out.
I mean really. Have you seen bigger cheeks? He is so smiley and he puts up with all of the kissing and rubbing that we can dish out. Ruth loves to put her hands on both sides of his face and kiss him until she is good and done. What a sweet little guy.
Here are the next 3 youngest boys, Matthew, Joseph and Nicholas. Strange to think that when we moved here to Colorado, Nicholas was 3, Matthew was 1 and Joseph was but a thought in the mind of God. Now they are 9, 7 and 6. It is fun to watch them throw the ball, kick the ball, ride their bikes up and down the street, take the dog for a walk, make human pyramids, etc. I am thankful that they have each other as companions, friends and confidantes.
Joseph lost his first tooth and is wiggling a few others. The first space has almost been filled with a new tooth. Sabrina thinks that her teeth are loose now, too, but as she is only 4 years old, it doesn't seem likely. I think rather that she is in a hurry to be a big kid.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Do you ever have one of those days?

The title says it all. Comment if you want.
Lord Bless,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Potty training update...

Well, day one of our "let her run naked" experiment proved to be what everyone said it would be...spent cleaning up little potty accidents. Five to be exact. Day two we only cleaned up two. We are now on day three and are looking forward to perhaps none?

I need some advice from anyone of you willing to give it. What do you do at night for those children who NEED to go to bed with some water? It makes the little one want to tinkle in the middle of the night, but she has always needed water at night. *sigh* Do we have to train her to get up in the night to go? I don't recall having this exact problem with any other children, not to say that we didn't, just that I don't remember. Thanks for any words of wisdom.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Long time no post.

I have realized that I may never be a consistent blogger. As desperate as I may try, I seem to find that weeks go by with no new posts. Case in point, it has been 17 days since I last posted! It doesn't seem that long to me, but it has been that long. Sheesh.

As a quick recap of everything we have done in the past two weeks, I can say the words "clean & organize". We are still going through the remaining boxes of "stuff" we have accumulated. We are almost done organizing the boxes that have been brought over to the new house. Vanity of vanity, says the writer of Ecclesiastes. Cleaning and organizing truly is a vanity. By that I mean that we never really come to the end of it. Does anyone ever truly finish their laundry? finish the vacuuming and dusting? finishing washing the dishes? I don't think I will ever come to the end of organizing this house, even if we do finish sorting through boxes. With each trip to the store there are new things to put away and make room for. God has so richly blessed us that we have to organize all that we have. What a glorious thought! Imagine those people that have two or three things, rather than a house full. (Sometimes I think that would make my life easier.) Thank you Lord for the material things that You have blessed us so richly with. May we use all that You have given us for Your glory and may we seek to humbly serve You with all of the blessings You bestow upon us.

On a separate note, we are trying a new method for potty training. We are letting our two year old run buck-naked through the house! (I must say that there is mild anxiety on the part of my husband who just built this gorgeous new house, mostly because of the brand new carpet!) I have heard good things from every person that has tried this before. They say it is the quickest way to get the potty training done. With our PT already in week 2, I am ready for it to be done. I will post our success or failure using this method when such a thing can be determined.