Thursday, March 29, 2007

A day in the life...

Today will not have a picture attached, as it has been designated "cleaning day--survival mode". Moms, you know the day I am referring to. Just yesterday the clutter here and the clutter there did not affect me in quite the same way as it did upon waking up this morning. I make a grand proclamation this morning that the mess would be cleaned up, today! So out came the dry erase board and the easel and the living room became commando headquarters. I began to write down tasks in different colors to coordinate with the times these tasks were to be accomplished. When I finished I was rather proud of myself. It was a well organized project and the execution should be a snap with such professional planning. I had done the difficult part.

Well, fast forward to 8pm. The jobs are still not finished. Little ones managed to reach their tiny little fingers over the edge of the board and draw lines and squiggles, erasing half of my precisely calculated scheduled. We did manage to get most of the work done.

Looking back over the day I can chuckle. Even the best laid plans (and mine were far from that) are changed in a snap by the Lord. I picture God as in Psalm 2, sitting in the heavens and laughing as we think we are "planning" what will happen in our day. "Instead you ought to say, 'If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.'" ~James 4:15.

Perhaps tomorrow I will get it right and make sure that my plans are the Lord's plans. In no way did I sit the children down today and explain to them that this is the task that God has for us today and we must all do our share and work diligently. Thank you, Lord, for this timely lesson. I pray that You would continue to convict me in areas of weakness and lend me Your strength so next time I am able to do what is well pleasing in Your sight.

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