Saturday, June 23, 2007

Gut wrenching laughs.

Do you remember when you were a child and you would laugh so hard that you fell on the ground? Do you remember you sides hurting when you were done, which was 10-15 minutes later? We have several members of our family that can laugh that long and when they start laughing, everybody else joins in even if they don't know what was funny initially. It is the chain reaction effect of laughter. Well, on this particular day, the below activity made the two boys involved stumble through the house barely able to stand because they were laughing so hard. I did manage to get a few pictures after the laughter died down. Here is the story behind the pictures. For Huckleberry Finn Day (pictures and post are down below), the boys dress up like Huck Finn. These are a pair of Dad's shorts that were worn for that day. Thomas and Nicholas decided to see if they could both literally fit into that pair of shorts. Wild laughter ensued and I was lucky enough to capture a few pics in the heat of the moment. Enjoy! And make sure that you take the time to think back to your own days of gut wrenching laughter.
strange version of Siamese twins...

What will they think of next?

1 comment:

opie said...

How did they get in the same pair of shorts? WOW!!!!