Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Musings from a very pregnant woman...

First of all, it is against my nature to blog with no picture and seeminly no purpose. Although, perhaps there is someone out there interested in what I have to say this afternoon. So I will do what is not natural for me and blog away some of my thoughts of the past few days and nights.

I am "due" with baby #10 in 18 days, November 17, that is 2 weeks and 4 days. I normally run a little over my "due" date, so I don't anticipate delivering around then, but rather sometime around Thanksgiving. With the due date so close, the normal things are occuring. I am having difficulty in sleeping, as I am up several times a night. Even when I am tired, I am not able to sleep. Last night I watched the last half of Gods and Generals until 5:15 am and then I was able to catch a few hours of sleep. I try to nap during the day, but after 1 hour of laying in bed, I give up. I do believe that even laying down is doing me some good so I continue to do so, even if I don't sleep.

Not only do I have the pregnant waddle, I have the pregnant SLOOOOOOOW waddle. There are a few days here and there where my walking speed is almost normal, but mostly I walk very slowly and I waddle at that. I am sure you ladies out there can relate to not being able to get out of your chair during the last few weeks? I have taken to knitting in my chair and crocheting in my chair, both of which are fine activities for keeping your hands busy and your mind preoccupied.

I have been finishing up a few projects here and there. Two beautiful quilts were sent to two adorable twin girls for their second birthday, link to my friend Aimee's blog and you will see pictures. I have also finished a wall hanging for our entry that just needs the binding hand stitched down, another great chair project that will take me about 4 hours. Just today I sewed up a duvet cover for Sabrina's toddler bed. I made it out of a beautiful white king sized sheet with crocheting on the end. The sewing was easy, except for the button holes. Apparently I wasn't following the instructions! After 45 minutes and much frustration, I figured out the problem and finished that project. It is beautiful. For someone who doesn't sew, I guess I sew quite a bit. The last sewing project I have is a set of curtains for the girls' room. I sewed one pair a few years ago, and another pair is needed for their new room, which has two windows. Luckily I have enough fabric to make another pair. So, once that project is finished, my sewing area will be dismantled to make room for the baby cradle. That puts a time constraint on my sewing, but I work much better with a deadline, especially one that is so ever present and on my mind.

Yes, back to my mind. It is always surprising to me just how absurd my thoughts get when I am 8 1/2 months pregnant. What I would normally laugh off as odd thoughts or unreasonable fears, seem to be given credence in these last few weeks. Many nights I sing Psalms to the Lord and to myself to try to get my mind back to "normal". I often sit awake reading Scriptures full of promises of peace and of being cared for by the Lord. It is often just a few minutes after such readings, that the fears and doubts begin to creep back into my thoughts. What a vulnerable time it is for a pregnant woman. I am thankful that it only lasts a short while and that afterwards, there is such a beautiful reward to kiss and hold. I do look forward to that day.

I began to journal with my last pregnancy, and have started up again within the last week. It is refreshing to read what I wrote with my last pregnancy. It is also comforting to see how the Lord worked out all of the details with the last delivery and the days leading up to. It is such a trial of faith for me to be patient, and reading my thoughts has helped me to rest and be still and wait on the Lord.

We will keep you all posted as to the arrival of this little bundle. What a glorious day that will be!


Unknown said...

Wait, be still, trust and obey.

You alone, O LORD, make Amy to dwell in safety, may she lay down AND sleep. AMEN

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, and oh can I ever relate, although I have only done it 5 times so far. Your family is lovely!! Big families are so wonderful!