Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Adam Eliot, February 26, 2008

Most of our babies have been bald, and Adam is no exception. He has a beautiful cue ball head. He is pictured here with Thomas, our oldest son who is 15 years old. They are great friends. Adam weighs about 14# 9 1/2 ozs. give or take an ounce.

We have been going through the garage at the other house and yesterday we looked at miscellaneous pictures. I was amazed at how similar my kids look! I can see it with some of the kids, but not with all of them, until I look at older pictures of my kids. Wow!


Anonymous said...

May God richly bless this little as much as He has blessed ALL his older brothers and sisters.

Unknown said...

That heafty fellow looks like maria in a masculine boy sorta way :)