Saturday, March 22, 2008

A few pics of the boys.

Little Adam is now four months old! His brother, Nicholas, wanted to take this picture with a very oversized cowboy hat on him. I think the hat fits his cheeks, though. Don't you? He looks a bit like a squirrel storing nuts in his cheeks. As his mother, I can say that they are incredibly kissable. If you live far away and haven't had the privilege of kissing his cheeks, you are truly missing out.
I mean really. Have you seen bigger cheeks? He is so smiley and he puts up with all of the kissing and rubbing that we can dish out. Ruth loves to put her hands on both sides of his face and kiss him until she is good and done. What a sweet little guy.
Here are the next 3 youngest boys, Matthew, Joseph and Nicholas. Strange to think that when we moved here to Colorado, Nicholas was 3, Matthew was 1 and Joseph was but a thought in the mind of God. Now they are 9, 7 and 6. It is fun to watch them throw the ball, kick the ball, ride their bikes up and down the street, take the dog for a walk, make human pyramids, etc. I am thankful that they have each other as companions, friends and confidantes.
Joseph lost his first tooth and is wiggling a few others. The first space has almost been filled with a new tooth. Sabrina thinks that her teeth are loose now, too, but as she is only 4 years old, it doesn't seem likely. I think rather that she is in a hurry to be a big kid.

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