Friday, March 18, 2011

Bloom where you are planted.

This saying is such a beautiful reminder to "give thanks in all things". It is a practical way to live out this biblical truth. No matter where we are, no matter what the circumstance, we need to make the best of it and look for ways to bless others.

This phrase has become a new favorite of mine for several reasons.
#1. We are not to worry and fret about tomorrow because the Lord takes care of our provisions. We are to concern ourselves with today. What can we do that says, "God, thank you for what you have given me today." Instead of saying, "I hate the snow. Spring can't come soon enough." Why not remember that it is only for a season, snow is great for sledding, skiing and building snowmen and go enjoy it? Children will emulate what they see you doing. We want thankful children, not children prone to grumbling and disputing. So whip out the hot chocolate and the marshmallows and enjoy the snow.

#2. I see so many people that put their hope in finding the right job, moving to the right city, making enough money....if only, if only, if only. It is sad to watch them rely on these outward things. God takes care of those details, we need only to focus on our daily walk, in faithfulness. He wants us, right where we are, right now, to use our gifts and talents to bless those around us. If we are so focused on doing God's job, we won't have time for the tasks He has given us to do.

#3. There is a lot of symbolism that can be drawn from this small command. Flowers bloom, and in doing so, bless many others. Nobody can deny how pleasant the fragrant aroma from a garden can be. Blooms are beautiful to the eye. I so enjoy a bouquet of fresh flowers on my dining room table, or bouquets of wild flowers on our patio table. Blooms also bless the bees and so many other other things. When we bloom, rather than sulk or remain drawn inward, we are able to bless others. Most of the time, we won't even know we have done it, and that's a good thing.

We need to walk in obedience in this simple command. The blessings are enormous. In all things we are to give thanks. Make the very most of each thing God has given you. How will you bloom where you are planted today?

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